Tour Choir CD – Agnus Dei


Immanuel Lutheran College Tour Choirs.   Directed by Professor John Reim.

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Immanuel Lutheran College Tour Choirs. 1999-2001   Directed by Professor John Reim.

Songs included on this CD:

  1. Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying (Nicolai/Reim)
  2. Lord, When You Look On Us In Love (Nicolai/Praetorius)
  3. God of God and Light of Light (setting Reim)
  4. Noel Nourvelet (arr. Zgodava)
  5. God Loves Me Dearly (setting Reim)
  6. O Jesus, King Most Wonderful (arr Gunderson)
  7. No Tramp of Soldiers’ Marching Feet (Smith/Vaughan Williams/Busarow)
  8. Agnus Dei (Hirsch)
  9. Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow (Sparrow-Simpson/Stainer)
  10. Deep Were His Wounds (Johnson/Sateren)
  11. Jesus, Remember Me (Berthier)
  12. Now the Green Blade Rises (Crum/Fleming)
  13. He Is Not Here (Nagy/Nagy)
  14. Awake, My Heart, With Gladness (setting Peter)
  15. Christ Jesus, God’s Beloved Son (Bach)
  16. God’s Right Hand and Holy Arm (Scott)
  17. Listen, God Is Calling (Olson/Lovelace)
  18. As Angels Joyed with One Accord