Tour Choir CD – Images of Immanuel


Immanuel Lutheran College 1993-1994 Tour Choirs.  Directed by Professor John Reim.



Immanuel Lutheran College 1993-1994 Tour Choirs.  Directed by Professor John Reim.

Songs included on this CD:

  1. Give Glory, All Creation (Vajda/Schutz)
  2. The Earth Adorned (Ahlen)
  3. The Heavens Are Telling (Haydn)
  4. The Glory of the Father (Hovland)
  5. Savior of the Nations, Come (Janzow/Reim)
  6. How Good, Lord, To Be Here (Robertson/Reim)
  7. The Children and the Palms (Threlfall/Lance)
  8. “Es war ein wunderlicher Krieg” (Luther/Bach)
  9. Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning (Barnard)
  10. Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Handel)
  11. I Know That My Redeemer Livelth (Handel)
  12. Their Sound is Gone Out (Handel)
  13. O God, Forsake Me Not (Frank/Bach)
  14. Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
  15. Shine, Jesus, Shien (Kendrick)
  16. Sine Nomine (For All The Saints) (How/Vaughn Williams)
  17. All Praise To Thee, My God, This Night (Ken/Brown)


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